Cordova browser live reload

In my “development process” i use some cordova plugins that just works fine such as on mobile such in browser and so because of it there will be create to build all crossplatform things and only then for mobile special with emulator or simulator debuging)
So now to see changes i’ve done it needs to run “cross-env TARGET=cordova cross-env NODE_ENV=development node ./build/build.js && cd cordova && cordova build browser” And only then i run
“framework7 cordova run browser”…too long.
Could any one help me with webpack config to create command (for example “npm run cordova dev browser”)
that will run “framework7 cordova run browser(android,ios)” and watch for change in src, then rebuild))
It would be greate. Thanks!

Вы хотите чтобы сборка под Cordov’у работала “на лету”?

Ну можно и так сказать. А то реально как то печально делать проект cordova и при этом после каждого сейва собирать.