How to use Swiper in other pages(not Main)

I try to init it with app.swiper.create(“the id”); because its not on the index html its in another page load by async in routes i dont know how to make it work, im new with the framework

You should call this swiper.create in pageInit event for the page with this swiper

    path: '/moviles/:movilId',
    async(routeTo, routeFrom, resolve, reject) {
      // Show Preloader;
      var movilId = String(routeTo.params.movilId);

      function proceed () {
          { templateUrl: './pages/moviles_page.html' },
          { context: { lists: json_moviles, } }
      //cargamos solo el id del seleccionado en el listado
           // obtenemos la plantilla
          json_moviles = moviles_json.moviles; 

          getTemplateAjax('js/templates/movil_select.html', moviles_json.moviles[movilId], '#movilTemplate');
**      pageInit:function(){**
**        var swiperslider = app.swiper.create({**
**          el: '#swiperContMoviles',**
**          init: true,**
**          on: {**
**            init: function () {**
**              console.log('swiper initialized');**
**            },**
**            click: function () {**
**              console.log('swiper click');**
**            }**
**          },**
**        });**
**      }**

Code looks correct if you have #swiperContMoviles in your ./pages/moviles_page.html template, you can also try to change it to the following in case you have few such pages:

pageInit:function(e, page){
  var swiperslider = app.swiper.create({
    el: page.$el.find('#swiperContMoviles'),
    init: true,

problem solved, it was my html code, it was in the html template that i pass to ./pages/moviles_page.html and not in the page.
thanks for your help :pray: