Possible to build app 100% in javascript?

I am working on a project from 2012, that needs to be recompiled (Hybrid), and I would like to move it to Framework7. The client though requires that it stays 100% javascript so they understand it. Next to no HTML, and minimal CSS overrides.

Is this possible? Where can I find examples of how to implement each component via app.on(“click”…) logic?

Thank you kindly,

Hi, you can use Vue. you will use html + css for the layout of your app. but at build time vuejs compile all your code and make js functions to render the app. So you will use some html. or it MUST be 100% javascript?

Thank you … the current build has 1 HTML page, it is the loader of the styles, framework scripts, and a single app.js. Everything is then driven my app.js - and it loads local and remote javascripts and JSON (database data). I am not worried about “App Store Rules” - this is a developer direct download/trust.

Splash Screen
Check local for LOGIN credentials - if exists, prompt password
else Do full Account Setup (js is downloaded from web server).

  • Both data are sent to the server to track login records, JSON returns:
    User is presented with a menu list (like a bank app would do) “what would you like to do?”
    Depending upon selection, download script from server that populates graphics and prompts.

It is okay is it does a HTTP Last-Modified comparison to optimize download. So this is 100$ a Web View type application. Was originally built with a framework that became Appcelerator’s Alloy. I do not mind keeping the product in Titanium, however, I am keen on trying it out through phonegap too.
