Routable tabs with pushState = true

I have a set of routable tabs setup in my routes like this:

  path: '/',
  url: './pages/tabs.html',
  pushState: true,
  tabs: [{
      path: '/',
      id: 'tab1',
      componentUrl: './pages/tab1.html',
      path: '/tab2/',
      id: 'tab2',
      componentUrl: './pages/tab2.html',
      path: '/tab3/',
      id: 'tab3',
      componentUrl: './pages/tab3.html',

The problem im having is with pushState set to true on my view, although i see the url updating with the path in the url string correctly as it should, hitting browsers back button acts as if no history exists. However any other route like a page works as expected. It seems the routable tabs do not update the history like pages do. Any insight on this?

This is by design, when switching Tabs they replace history, not push new entries like navigating between pages

How would it be possible to go about changing this behavior? If i manually pushState in a tabShow could that work?

Can you please explain the logic behind this?

In my mind the whole point of using routable tabs is to have a) an url that loads specific tab and b) enjoy the back and forward navigation capabilities of the browser. Especially with Android where there is a specific back button it makes no sense to me that expected behavior wouldn’t be return to the previous tab.