Routing to / not working

hi all,
i am trying to route my app after successful ajax submision to index (/) but it doesnt seem to work.
but routing to other pages works fine.

i also realised that when i use “/” as the element value eg(home ) i realise it doesn’t go.
kindly assist.

success: function(data){
                  setTimeout(function () {
                  }, 3000);
                    if(data == 'failed'){
                    app.dialog.alert("ERROR: Sorry something went wrong");
                     //app.dialog.alert("Order placed successfully","Awesome");
                  //    console.log(mainView.router.currentRoute);
                  //     console.log(mainView.router.routes);
                  //     console.log(document.location.href);


I guess issue can be in your routes configuration which doesn’t have / route

hello @nolimits4web,
please i have / route defined in my route array.
this is how it looks like.

thanks in advance.

routes = [
    path: '/',
    url: './index.html',
     // App root methods
    methods: {
      helloWorld: function () {
        app.dialog.alert('Hello World!');
    on: {
      pageInit: function () {
        type: "GET",
        url: server_link + 'get_menu_cate.php',
        crossDomain: true,
        cache: false,
        success: function(result){

And what is in your index.html ?

@nolimits4web i have a div that is populated by the get ajax request on pageinit.
and i also have some demi data as well which will also be populated by a get request later.

please it looks like this.


<div class="view view-main ios-edges">
  <!-- Page, data-name contains page name which can be used in callbacks -->
  <div class="page" data-name="home">
    <!-- Top Navbar -->
    <div class="navbar">
      <div class="navbar-inner">
        <div class="left">
          <a href="#" class="link icon-only panel-open" data-panel="left">
            <i class="icon f7-icons ios-only">menu</i>
            <i class="icon material-icons md-only">menu</i>
        <div class="title sliding">SweetPepper</div>
        <div class="right">
          <a href="/cart/" class="link icon-only text-color-red">
            <span class="cart_price">&#8373; <span class='cart_total'></span></span>
            <i class="icon f7-icons ios-only">bag_fill</i>
    <!-- Toolbar-->
    <!--<div class="toolbar">
      <div class="toolbar-inner">
        <a href="#" class="link">Left Link</a>
        <a href="#" class="link">Right Link</a>
    <!-- Scrollable page content-->
    <div class="page-content">
      <div class="block block-strong card"> 
        **<div class="row" id="cate_list"> </div>**

      <div class="block-title">Your Favourites</div>
      <div class="list media-list">
            <div class="item-content">
              <div class="item-media">
                <img src="assets/fdflider.jpg" class="home-img" width="100" height="100"/>
              <div class="item-inner">
                <div class="item-title-row">
                  <div class="item-title">Greek Salad</div>
                <div class="item-subtitle cart-details color-red">
                  <p>with jellof,fresh fish</p>
                  <p class="price">&#8373; 12.00</p>
                  <a class="float-right color-red">

                    <i class="f7-icons ">bag_fill</i>

If this code is inside of index.html page then it should work. Otherwise problem is somewhere else. Would be good to see live example

hi @nolimits4web how do i share a live example with you?
would you prefer me to mail a compressed version of my project?
please i’m opened to any suggestions. thanks

Better if you can upload it somewhere so it will be available on web for preview

hello @nolimits4web,
i have uploaded it on one of my test servers.

on the check out page, i have consoled out the listed available routes as well.
and i am also requesting a route.navigate to “/”

success: function(data){
setTimeout(function () {
}, 3000);

                if(data == 'failed'){
                app.dialog.alert("ERROR: Sorry something went wrong");

                 //app.dialog.alert("Order placed successfully","Awesome");
                 /*setTimeout(function () {
              }, 2000);*/
          //        mainView.router.refreshPage();


please find test accounts below.

username: [email protected]
password: 1234567890


also there is something i also noticed that any time im using the back button on the menu category page to the home page, it freezes.

i cant tell if its because of the same route issue.

kindly advice

Looks like issue happens because router can’t extract main-view’s page from index.html file. I will dig deeper it, could be a bug. But i can recommend to move home page’s content to just seprate file and use this technic to load initial home page

hi @nolimits4web, sorry i didnt get that.

you cant recommend me doing that or you do recommend i use your work around.


Sorry, was i typo. I recommend you to use the following:


i am not sure if i get the explanation right on the Doc.

so per my understanding, i copied and paste my index.html content in to a new file home.html.
i added a a route to it as /home/ and i tested but it still didnt route to it.

kindly assist because things are not clearer.

counting on your usual support.


Your index.html file not correct page/component/template file.

For example, see your “cart.html” file. Its correct page-file because contains valid page structure (<div class="page" data-name="cart">...</div>). Or see your “page-loader-component.html” file. Its correct template-file too because contains valid template-page structure (<template><div class="page">...</div></template>). All this files will work correct with navigate() function.

Finally, see your “index.html” file. The file contain full HTML of page (<html><body>...</body></html>). Isnt correct page/component/template file. It will not work with navigate() calls.

  1. You must copy into ./pages/home.html only home page structure (<div class="page" data-name="home">...</div>). And next change route url with “home” name to “./pages/home.html”.
  2. Keep clean space in block <div class="view view-main ios-edges"></div>

HELLO @nolimits4web,

thanks to @a.chubutkin, finally figured out what was causing it not to route back to home.
i took my time to analyse my index.html and figured i had commented out some closing divs (i.e page-content and that of the id=app).

i made the corrections and everything seem to work fine now.

im so sorry for the worries.

thanks all the same



@a.chubutkin thanks chief