[SOLVED] Accessing context (data) on template7

Hello, I have an issue accessing context data on my template. data from request is JSON data looks like this

{ "dept_name":"ENT", "sub_departments":[ { "sub_dept_name":"Ear Sub-Department", "Consultancy_amount":"USD 300.00" }, { "sub_dept_name":"Nose Department", "Consultancy_amount":"USD 500.00" }, { "sub_dept_name":"Throat Department", "Consultancy_amount":"USD 50,000.00" } ] }

I use async routing and use context on receiving data like this:

context : { sub_departments: data }

Kindly help me understand how exactly this can be accessed on a template in an {{#each}}...{{else}}.

Am sorry if this looks so basic but I can’t seem to get it to work.
Thanks a lot

Hello… I later figured it out… Read thru the documentation.

For anyone:

{{sub_departments.dept_name}} will give you ENT… bra bra bra…