Stacked doesn't work with async loading?

I have a page being loaded via async so I can use a variable in the path to identify the page. When I load a stacked page using this the page is removed from the stack when the page is navigated away from. Bug or my own lack of understanding?

path: ‘/page/:pageSlug/’,
async: function(routeTo, routeFrom, resolve, reject) {
var slug = routeTo.params.pageSlug;
console.log(’.page[data-name=’ + slug + ‘]’);
resolve({ el: document.querySelector(’.page[data-name=’ + slug + ‘]’) });

Did you enable stackedPages: true view parameter?

I did yes:

view: {
pushState: false,
stackPages: true,
iosSwipeBack: false,
mdSwipeBack: false

Of note all my pages are stacked, I’m doing it as more of a preloaded system with most of the pages being loaded initially because they tend to be smaller so it helps avoid load time. All my other stacked pages work fine.

Well, just checked and can’t replicate the issue, all works fine for me and stacked pages are kept in DOM. Maybe you can setup a basic JSFiddle that demonstrates the issue?

I appreciate you taking the time to check, I’ll see about setting up a jsfiddle for it. Was distracted putting the rest of it together but have to deal with this before I can call it done.