Get reactive value from store in react

Not sure how to get value from store and make it reactive.

I have a leaflet map and I want to display label of selected location.
I can see in the store with dev tools that value is updated over there but it’s not update in component.
Not sure what am I doing wrong here?

By my understanding using:
const locationLabel = useStore('selectedLocation');

should subscribe to value change update, and then simple displaying in template should work like this: {locationLabel}
However I can’t get the value.
I’ve tried using useEffect(), but that didn’t bring any joy either.

// address-search.tsx
// Address Search Input
const AddressSearch = () => {
    useEffect(() => {
        map.on('geosearch/showlocation', function (ev) {
  'setSelectedLocation', ev.location.label);
    }, []);

    return null;

export default AddressSearch;
// tab-location.tsx
// Tab with Map location
const TabLocation = () => {

    const locationLabel = useStore('selectedLocation');

    // Define state for the value to be displayed
    const [selectedLocation, setSelectedLocation] = useState(

    // Use the useEffect hook to update the displayed value when the store value changes
    useEffect(() => {
    }, []);

    return (

export default TabLocation;

To answer my own question, the way I found it works is this:

// tab-location.tsx
// Tab with Map location
const TabLocation = () => {
    const [selectedLocation, setSelectedLocation] = useState('');
    store.getters.selectedLocation.onUpdated((value) => {

    // const selectedLocation = useStore('selectedLocation');
    // This does not work as suggested in docs
    // Or I misinterpreted it.

    return (

export default TabLocation;