[SOLVED] How can I set the css of the navbar hidden?

Hi, I’ve a problem with the background color of an hidden navbar. On the login page I hide the navbar, after the user logged i show the navbar. But the navbar hidden has a white background and i’d like to have a gray bacgroung like page-content. I triyed to set the color in this way

          background-color: #f1f4f5;

did you try with !important

          background-color: #f1f4f5 !important;

Yes, but it doesn’t change

can you provide a jsfiddle? or more code. something to start of.


Thank you @pvtallulah :slight_smile:
I solved writing it:

background-color: #f1f4f5 !important;

because I saw that .navbar-hidden{…} worked but because it was hidden i coudn’t saw the gray element. The other piece of content in white was about the element framework7-root