Framework7 v4 ++

Это уже есть в v4 ветке вебсайта, который еще в процессе обновления.

Так не очень хорошо и сложно. Во Vue и React это делается просто и быстро через кастомные компоненты. Я думаю добавить такую возможность в Core версию, чтобы сущетсвующие компонетны можно было использовать не только как root элементы того что грузит роутер, но и для внутреннего переиспользования

there you go @nolimits4web - you have a new top supporter on Patreon :slight_smile:


Didn’t expect to find a Wappler discussion here, ha!

As an ex-DW user (since the first version) and ex-Pinegrow user i must say i got quite a lot of experience creating different projects as a freelancer and Wappler is worth every penny!
It’s just an investment which returns after the first project you create, and believe me you will be really efficient!

Pinegrow offers nothing more than a design builder. It doesn’t have any modern front-end framework nor it offers any back-end tools. Before Wappler i had to manually code with react and angular, which took most of my time …
With Wappler you get not only the great visual Bootstrap 4 builder but also a front-end framework which is really similar to vue.js and a full back-end framework with visual workflow builder.
And with the visual API connectivity tools and oauth2 provider they integrated in the last few updates Wappler is just not comparable with any Bootstrap 4 drag-and-drop-blocks builder.

When you subscribe for the basic or pro plans you get a 7 or 14 days trial, which you can cancel any time during the trial.

On the pricing page there are “Eduational” license options, as a freelancer who can’t afford to spend 399/y you can subscribe to it :slight_smile:

As i explained above - the investment of Eur 399 (business price) / Eur 199 (educational/freelance price) pays off after the first project you finish :slight_smile:

Clients are really happy with all the custom front- and back-end stuff you can create for them and they are even happier that they don’t have to deal with Wordpress anymore :wink:

And with the help of George and the team and the great community, whenever you have an issue - it gets resolved in less than an hour!

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hi @jerry_web,
wow - super-great feedback! Thanks for sharing… It’s always great to hear some feedback based on experiences… And thanks for the hint with the ‘eductional’ thing -> I didn’t look there, because I’m out of my eductional career since a while :slight_smile:
You are certainly right: if there’s a matching job, the investment could pay off. For me, the F7-integration is a good argument to check that out. We’ll see… I’ll keep an eye on that…
Anyway: thanks again for your comment. Much appreciated.

That would be aweeeeeeessssoooommeeee! :grin:

@nolimits4web Hi, i built my mobile app solely using framework7 version 1.6.4, how easy would it be to use the new css and js libraries from the recent version? Also the old version glitches on navigation/routing.

Это было бы здорово. На мой взгляд это единственное, чего сейчас не хватает в Core, исходя из своей практики.

It won’t be easy for sure :slight_smile: See migration guides

Okay thanks for the reply

Just for a little heads-up: I’m a pretty unexperienced F7 user, but I managed to update a F7v1-project to F7v2 and then to F7v4 without big problems. I just used Vladimir’s new command-line tool and recreated the project from scratch and was following Vladimir’s blog about changes in initializing the project.
I think (depending how big your project is) this is the easiest and cleanest way to jump onto the v4 bandwagon…

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