About the Questions category

Need help? Questions, bugs, issues you have faced with Framework7. We are here to help!

i have two questions. one is that i want to use angluar js in my framework7 app. the problem is that it works in the index.html page but doesn’t work on other pages while using ajax pages. so how do i solve this problem?
Another question i have is that whether inline pages, ajax pages, or template7 pages is the best to use ?

I am developing an application in cordova need to know tried routable tabs with infinite scroll but it is not firing the method can we have one example for that .

Hi, I’ve been looking at Framework7-svelte for the last few days and would like to try it out. I read the part lazy load components in documentation. I’m a little confused. The documentation says “asyncComponent: () => import (’./ pages / about.svelte’),”. Can we realy load uncompiled svelte files? Thank you for help. https://framework7.io/svelte/navigation-router.html#async-lazy-components

hi i created a test form to see how this works and when i open it in my phone browser its too small like it opened in my lap top browser. how can i make it responsive?

Friend I am creating an app that uses Geolocation with Google’s API. What happens is that when I compile it with Cordova, everything works fine, but when I install it on some phones, it runs well on others.

what can happen ???

It is a login that when it loads the home page it looks for the current coordinates to know location and in the app.js I do this:

on: { pageInit: function (page) {

var onSuccess = function(position) {
    app.dialog.alert('Latitude: '          + position.coords.latitude          + '\n' +
          'Longitude: '         + position.coords.longitude         + '\n');

function onError(error) {
    console.log('code: '    + error.code    + '\n' +
          'message: ' + error.message + '\n');

navigator.geolocation.getCurrentPosition(onSuccess, onError);



I also installed the cordova plugin for geolocation and nothing …

can you help me

I’m trying to fire a method from a tabshow event, but I am not able to do that. This is my code in page component:

export default {

	data: function () {
		return  {
			title: 'Menu',

	methods: {
		toggleTitle: function(id) {
			$$('.title-' + id).addClass('visible').siblings().removeClass('visible');

	on: {
		pageInit: function (e, page) {

    this.$$('.tab').on('tab:show', function(event){
					// how can I fire toggleTitle function?

		pageBeforeRemove: function (e, page) {

Hello Community, I am taking a project in vue with framework7, I am using cordova to build the release, it is the first time that I work with this technology and I do not find much of the problem that is happening to me.

You will see, first of all, I found the application with a version “^4.5.1” of framework7, I have updated it to the latest version “^8.3.1”, run npm install it updated the dependencies, I also updated my main.js.

import Framework7 from 'framework7';

And precisely on that line is where I get an error when running cordova run browser – --live-reload, which is the following:

ERROR in ./src/main.js
Module not found: Error: Can't resolve 'framework7' in 'E:\repo\laragon\www\futugapp\src'

I hope you can give me a hand