Add option to smart select if doesn't exist


I am trying to add options dynamically if the search does not yield results.
The first obvious question is if there is already a built-in function, if it doesn’t exist I started creating my own, but I’m stuck.
I started by adding “on search” to the smartSelect, but I would like to understand how to return true / false based on whether the search found something or not.

My code at moment:

 let smartSelectemail = $f7.smartSelect.create({
                    el: element,
                    searchbar: {
                        on: {
                            search(sb, query, previousQuery) {
                                console.log(sb, query, previousQuery); // how i can check here the result of search?

I did it myself, I write it for the community:

let smartSelectemail = $f7.smartSelect.create({
                    searchbar: {
                        on: {
                            search(sb, query, previousQuery) {
                                if (sb.searchContainer.innerText === "") {
                                    var value = $f7.validateEmail(query);
                                    if (value) {
                                        var addOptions = document.createElement("button");
                               = 'testAdd';
                                        addOptions.textContent = 'Inserisci email';
                                        addOptions.addEventListener('click', () => {
                                            document.querySelector('a[data-mail] > select').innerHTML += '<option>' + query + '</option>';
                                            document.querySelector('[data-name="smart-select-page"] > .page-content > .list > ul').innerHTML += '<li class=""><label class="item-radio item-content"><input type="radio" name="radio-cab23f82db" value="' + query + '"><i class="icon icon-radio"></i><div class="item-inner"><div class="item-title">' + query + '</div></div></label></li>';

                                    } else {
                                        const button = document.querySelector('#testAdd');
                                        if (button) {

In my case i need to add an email, so i test if search have result or not with sb.searchContainer.innerText, if is empty (so query not match) i validete if input value is an email, if true will add a button for insert email into <li> and <select>, if not match, i will remove button if exist.