Alpine e f7 update render obj

Please someone help me with a question, I’m trying to use alpine js with f7 and I’m facing some problems, when I update an alphine variable it doesn’t update the f7 component and the variables are being updated, but f7 doesn’t, when it’s a function Inside alpine’s x-on:click it works.

My need now is to send a request to disable the button as soon as I receive the callback to enable it again, everything works in alpine but f7 then renders if I leave the screen and returns again how to fix this? thank you


<button class=“link icon-only button button-fill”
:disabled=“loadStatus” x-text=“loadText” x-on:click=“loadText = ‘teste’ "


:diabled not working

I really appreciate everyone’s support, I really need to solve this mystery, I’m wasting a lot of time on the project. update alphine variable in the screen element, thank you

@nolimits4web please:

Thanks again for all your help, you will share part of the code here too.


import helps from ‘./helps.js’;
import Alpine from ‘alpinejs’
import mask from ‘@alpinejs/mask’
window.load = helps.config().load();
window.helps = helps;
window.Alpine = Alpine

return {
info: ‘version info’,
load() {
loadText: “Enviando”,
loadStatus: false


please help