Are there any plans to support Vue 3?

Vue 3 is currently in beta and the current framework7-vue package is completely unusable with it.

I couldn’t find any projects or issues regarding this on Github so just wanted to see what the plans are for it right now. It looks like framework7-vue modifies the global Vue object, but that object will no longer exist with Vue 3. The Vue instance is only created with the createApp function.

But there are some nice changes that could be made to framework7-vue to better match what the future of Vue’s API is.

Using the provide and inject API Framework7 could do things like this:

In the root App component (where the f7-app component would be)

export default {
    setup() {
        provideFramework7(/*F7 params*/{name: "My App"});

That method should replace the current Framework7.use(Framework7Vue) and <f7-app :params="f7params">.

I’m not sure if the above would work so an alternative would be doing something in main.js where you have access to the Vue instance. Since you would have to register the Framework7 components on the instance.

const vueInstance = createApp(App);

Then in any child components you can do this:

export default {
    setup() {
        const framework7 = useFramework7();
        if(framework7.device.ios) {
            console.log("is ios");

Basically move all of the Vue Component Extensions into the object returned by useFramework7().

Yes, it is in plans but a bit later, with more or less stable Vue v3 release + when Vuex will be released.