Axios http request


I am doing a App using Framework7 and Vue, but when I do a request to my api with http, it is working from my web site, but when I build the apk and load the file into the Android phone, the http request doesn’t work.
I have seen that the axios work perfect into Android with https request, but with http not.

Somebody could I help me ?

Have you tried using a debugger on Android to see why the request is failing on the device first?

Thanks you
I have resolved with this:

set android:usesCleartextTraffic=“true” on you AndroidManifest.xml

Framework7 mobile app tutorials: Framework7 mobile app tutorials - YouTube

Check this tutos. Good tutos to consume api rest from f7 apps

Are you using Cordova? Check you have whitelisted your network sources: Allow List Guide - Apache Cordova