Back button without click

I get some problems, i want to back to previous page but i want to use function. How to do it ?
I does not use + class=“link back”


router.back(url, options)
Go back to previous page, going back in View history
* url string - url to navigate to (optional).
* If not specified, then it will go back to the previous page in history.
* If specified and there is previous page in history then it will be ignored.
* If specified and there is a force: true option then will remove previous page from DOM and navigate back to the specified page URL

options - object with additional navigation properties (optional):
* animate (boolean) - whether the page should be animated or not (overwrites default router settings)
* pushState (boolean) - whether the page should be saved in browser state. In case you are using pushState, then you can pass here false to prevent route getting in browser history
* ignoreCache (boolean) - If set to true then it will ignore if such URL in cache and reload it using XHR again
* force (boolean) - if set to true then it will ignore previous page in history and load specified one

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