Bbv sport app´s

hello together,

we created a sport app usefull for badminton players in bavaria:

the apps are builded on framework7 v2.0.2. (just with jquery / without vue etc)
the most information/html are just getting pulled from a php based backend.

we played a little bit with locaStorage for staring the favorite clubs & players.
we inserted Chart.js for some nice charts in the player statistics.

so … nothing special but works fine at the moment :slight_smile:


Beware using localStorage in production. It isn’t really persisten storage and data will may cleared in any moment.

Also check out pouchDB it’s pretty sweet! No worries if it gets cleared it all comes right back.

On Android it happens too. (sad)

PounchDB is Ok but required server side for sync (probably paid)

PouchDB can be used on client side only, it can use Native data base when used in Cordova app, so it won’t go anywhere

Look to localForge too. It has localStorage-like synstax and stores data in IndexDB/WebSQL/localStorage

PouchDb replicates pretty seamlessly with Apache CouchDB (no-sql web server) and you just deal with JavaScript and JSON, it is free under the apache license, but you are right at the end of the day you still need to find a place to install it$.