Calendar datepicker days to show

in the f7 calendar datepicker when for example i select January i want to only show the days of January

but it shows the days of next month and only part of days from January

i thought its because of weekheader , i set it false but no luck

is there anyway to achieve what i want ?

heres an example of what i need : material ui picker

help please, i need to know if this is possible

.calendar-day-prev .calendar-day-number, 
.calendar-day-next .calendar-day-number {
  display: none;
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thanks but it still shows the days from next or previous months, and also the empty spaces are selectable

.calendar-day-next {
  pointer-events: none;
.calendar-day-prev .calendar-day-number, 
.calendar-day-next .calendar-day-number {
  display: none;
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i really appreciate the help, but the main problem is that i want only to show the days from the selected month,
for example if i select January i want only the days of January from 1-31 in the day selector

i also tried to mess around with the calendar render functions but there is no example or document about it …

when you on jan/21:

28-31 of dec/20 and 1-7 of feb/21
are still visible with this property?

  display: none;
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sorry for the late response

your method is working on the default locale, but if you change the locale to ‘fa-IR’ for example, you’ll see that days from next or previous month are also in the days list

i see

as far as i understand it:
you can translate and/or convert
you can’t change the system

app.calendar.create({locale:'en-US-u-ca-gregory'}); // [0...9] gregorian
app.calendar.create({locale:'en-US-u-ca-persian'}); // [0...9] persian
app.calendar.create({locale:'fa-IR-u-ca-gregory'}); // [۰...۹] gregorian
app.calendar.create({locale:'fa-IR-u-ca-persian'}); // [۰...۹] persian

they all use the same system

yes it seems that way , im doing some tweaks on renderMonth method, ill post an answer if it works
thank you

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