Call methods of one component in another

I have a method defined in a page component and want to access(call) this method from a routable popup after invoking a certain event in that popup.

There used to be a methods object defined in app initialization which is accessible via $root but not sure if it still exist.

Although am open to other ways of achieving this.

I think store is the best place to access the same method inside multiple components.

Maybe something to think about: you could use a custom event for this. So in the component where your function remains, add a global event listener which calls that function. And then from anywhere in your app, emit that event ant the function will be executed.

Bonus: you could even transfer function arguments through the event data.

Sure, thanks mhan.
I resorted to that but sort out to the community to see if there’s varying ideas to nipping this.

awesome, the reactivity is just great.