Can we integrate Framework7 with ASP.Net MVC?

I am extremely new to framework7, though i have a strong background in HTML,CSS and C#. I recently found a framework7 template based a mobile app, which i wanted to take forward based on my requirement.

Can we integrate the Framework7 with ASP.Net MVC (with WebAPI) or we need to work with JS only to get things working on Framework7.

I saw the layout of Framework7, it does not seems it follows View/PartialView concept of MVC, because in the default Template, Index.html of Framework7 i could not see a placeholder where the Partial View would fill in, though other pages follow the class “pages” instead of whole layout of index page, but could not find where we need to stuff the Partial view inside View.

Please help me with setting up a Framework7 project with ASP.Net MVC, or any Github project which is already have the ASP.Net MVC integrated and using WebAPI.