Cannot detroy picker in Vue component


I cannot reinitialise picker values. I use Vue, but picker is made on native js. And something goes wrong.
Trying to destroy picker on popup’s closing:

				title 	= "Время" 
				:after 	= "getTime">
		  	style = "display: none;"
		  	id 	  = "picker-date"/>

		<div class="block block-strong no-padding no-margin margin-bottom">
			<div id="picker-date-container"></div>

  export default {

    data() {
      return {
        isOpened        : false,   
        timePicker 	: "",

    mounted() {
      this.$root.$on('open date and time', (data) => {
        this.isOpened = true;


    watch: {

      isOpened: function(val) {
        if (!val) {       	
        	if (this.timePicker) this.timePicker.destroy();     	


    methods: {

      	mountTimePicker() {
	      	const self = this;

	        var today = new Date();

	        this.timePicker = this.$f7.picker.create({
	            containerEl 	: '#picker-date-container',
	            inputEl 		: '#picker-date',
	            toolbar 		: false,
	            rotateEffect 	: false,
	            value 			: [

	            formatValue: function (values, displayValues) {
	              return values[0] + ':' + values[1];

	            cols: [
	              // Hours
	                values: (function () {
	                  var arr = [];
	                  for (var i = 0; i <= 23; i++) { 
	                  	arr.push(i < 10 ? '0' + i : i);
	                  return arr;
	              // Divider
	                divider: true,
	                content: ':'
	              // Minutes
	                values: (function () {
	                  var arr = [];
	                  for (var i = 0; i <= 59; i++) { 
	                  	arr.push(i < 10 ? '0' + i : i); 
	                  return arr;
	            on: {
	              change: function (picker, values, displayValues) {
	                self.time = parseInt(values[0]) * 3600 + parseInt(values[1]) * 60



When I change some values of re-opened picker, the error is showing up


On third try there will be three items and so on :slight_smile:

Hard to say what is happening but seems like it is not being destroyed/init properly in your app. I would better recommend to wrap/call this component with v-if to make it whole destroyable

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