Cannot iterate in an array with template7 {{#each}} helper


I am new to F7, I am adding some features on an existing Framework7 v1 app, (version 1.7.1)

I am trying to render a template7 with an array data as input data, to no avail.
I have search and visited countless relevant post but somehow I cannot make it work.
Somehow, when I use a plain object as input data, template is rendered successfully.

So my template is

var myApp = new Framework7({
// Enable templates auto precompilation
precompileTemplates: true,


myApp.onPageInit('index', function (page) {
  var slides = [{eng: "interest 1"},{eng: "interest 2"}]; //<<<template not rendered
  var slides = {eng: "interest 1"};  // <<<<template rendered succesfully
  var html = Template7.templates.interestTemplate(slides);

What am I missing here?
Any help is greatly appreciated.

pick one of them


<script id="interestTemplate" type="text/template7">
  var slides = [{eng: "interest 1"},{eng: "interest 2"}];
  var html = Template7.templates.interestTemplate(slides);


<script id="interestTemplate" type="text/template7">
  var obj = {
    slides: [{eng: "interest 1"},{eng: "interest 2"}]
  var html = Template7.templates.interestTemplate(obj);
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Yep, thanks that did it.