@change event of checkbox is not working

Hi All,

The @change event for checkbox is not working. The check($event) function is not be called.

How can I make this function to be called?

var dialog = this.$f7.dialog
title: “App User’s Consent Required”,
text: “”,

” +
” +
” +

Privacy Policy

” +

Swift Alliance builds the CityGists App as a social network app. This SERVICE is provided by Swift Alliance at no cost and is intended for use as is.

” +
” +
“” +
“<input type=‘checkbox’” +
@change='check($event)'>” +
” +

I agree with the above conditions.

” +
“” +
” +
” +
” +
” +
      buttons: [{ text: "Decline", close: true }, { text: "I Agree" }],
      onClick: (dialog, index) => {
        if (index == 1) {
          const app = this.$f7;
          //var payload = {};
          //payload.profileMessage = response;
        } else {
      on: {
        open: function() {

what you are trying to do wont work.
i would guess that you want to open a dialog “on demand”

var dialog = this.$f7.dialog({...})

thats fine, but since the dialog is created dinamically. you cant listen to events like @click @change, etc. Bcs the node was added dinamically.

you can add a class to your checkbox and with f7 listen to events
$$(’.my-element’).on(‘event’, doSomething)

Thanks pvtallulah, it worked as suggested. But I am finding it hard to update my data variable outside the DOM. I have tried many options. Within the DOM the variable is updated but the change is not reflecting in the template section.

See the code below:

data() {
return {
agreement: false

var $ = this.Dom7;
$(’[name=“demo-media-checkbox”]’).on(“change”, function(e) {
var self = this;
if (e.target.checked) {

     //option 1
     self.agreement = true

     //option 2
        agreement: true
    } else {
      self.agreement = false;

How can I safely update the variable agreement so that the new value can be access in the template section. In template section {{agreement}} is always false.


  agreement : true/false,

Hi pvtallulah,

Just seeing your response. I have not tested this but believe it will solve the problem. I rearranged my codes and got it working within DOM7.


I tried the codes :
var $ = this.Dom7;

  $('[name="demo-media-checkbox"]').on("change", function(e) {

    var self = this;

    if (e.target.checked) {


        agreement: true


    } else {


        agreement: false





I am getting this error:

Uncaught TypeError: self.$setState is not a function
at HTMLInputElement.eval


in your code make reference to the function on(“change”, function(e) {} not f7 instance. so use app.setState or where you have f7 instance