CLI for upgrading framework7 in an existing project?

I’ve built a cordova project using the framework7 CLI.
There have been a couple of dot updates since then, and I’m unsure how to upgrade framework7.
Is there a command to do this, or is it a manual process?

Framework7 is just an NPM dependency, open package.json and change f7 versions to the latest one, and run in terminal:

npm install

Sorry, my questions was a little vague.

Is there a way, using the newest framework7 CLI, to update the javascript/css/etc… framework7 files in an existing cordova project that was created using the CLI.

So if my cordova project is using v6.3.0 and I want to upgrade it to v6.3.5, how would I go about that?

6.3.0 → 6.3.5 is a Framework7 itself version, not CLI, you just need to update the dependencies like I posted above.

As for extra scripts generated by CLI, no it is not possible, you can create new project and copy from there NPM scripts, and build files/scripts. Generated project src files (scripts and JS) are not changed in recent CLI releases