Compile Successful - Blank Page


I’m quite new to Cordova and Framework 7. I loaded the Tab Template to get started. I’ve managed to customise this for my client, but on the last tab I was changing something has partially stopped my application from showing in browser.

All I keep getting is a blank page despite (Bash) is has compiled successfully, no errors.

<!-- Views/Tabs container -->
<div class="views tabs safe-areas">
  <!-- Tabbar for switching views-tabs -->
  <div class="toolbar toolbar-bottom tabbar-labels">
    <div class="toolbar-inner">
      <a href="#view-home" class="tab-link tab-link-active">
        <i class="icon f7-icons if-not-md">house_fill</i>
        <i class="icon material-icons if-md">home</i>
        <span class="tabbar-label">Home</span>
      <a href="#view-listenlive" class="tab-link">
        <i class="icon f7-icons if-not-md">square_list_fill</i>
        <i class="icon material-icons if-md">view_list</i>
        <span class="tabbar-label">Listen Live</span>
      <a href="#view-meetdjs" class="tab-link">
        <i class="icon f7-icons if-not-md">gear</i>
        <i class="icon material-icons if-md">settings</i>
        <span class="tabbar-label">Meet DJS</span>

indent preformatted text by 4 spaces

routes -

path: ‘/settings/’,
component: SettingsPage,
path: ‘/meetdjs/’,
component: MeetDjs,
path: ‘/listenlive/’,
component: ListenLive,
path: ‘/dynamic-route/blog/:blogId/post/:postId/’,
component: DynamicRoutePage,