Cordova + Vue. I need to display a icon type of file url

i use a Framework7 + Cordova + Vue.
When i select a file from my library gallery with cordova camera plugin, return me the url of file.
I need to display in thumbnail the icon type of the file.

If i take a PDF : like have a thumb of PDF file like the same in my library gallery.

Thanks in advantage

В чем вопрос-то? Как показать картинку в WebView?

NO, if have url of file i need a display thumb of file extension.


let ext = fileName.split('.').pop()
let icon = ''
switch (ext) {
  case: 'pdf'
    icon = `<i class="far fa-file-pdf"></i>`

I use as an example FA icons. Use whatever icon you need to show

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Thank You very much :slight_smile: