I’m encountering an issue I never encountered in my previous app while working with Framework7 v5 and I just can’t understand what might be causing this in v6
The rearranged code is this:
name: 'single_buoni',
path: '/buoni/:buonoId/',
async: function ({ app, to, resolve }) {
app.request.post(url, {
action: 'rsWpApi/getBuono',
id: to.params.buonoId,
ajax: true
}, function (data) {
var buono = JSON.parse(data).data;
componentUrl: './pages/buono.html',
}, {
props: {
buono: buono,
}, function () {
sendToast('<i class="f7-icons">close</i>', "Si è verificato un errore");
Once I get to the resolve part of the code, I get errors in console relative to CORS. I have no idea why CORS could be generating here. Any tip would be really appreciated!