Development my app live with my phone

hello everybody
i was use phonegap app on my phone and pc , so i can see my app live working and know my error.

now i am go to use Framewrok7 CLI but some function in work in my pc (chrome) find
when i build my app, i get some function not work, and i can’t know what’s error message , how to live use my app on phone when i development files on my pc

Open Dev Tools on chrome, from the menu, go to More Tools > Remote Devices

This should help you to debug your app as you use it live from your phone.

See for details

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but you can’t use a Cordova Function like Camera

You can use the camera on your phone and if there are any errors, you will see them right here in the remote device console

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Cordova plugin’s not working on chorme mobile
that what i mean

There are quite a number of steps in order to set up your computer to deploy and test apps on your phone. I suggest you see the link below to get started.

Once you have everything configured correctly, you will need to ensure that you have the Google USB driver installed from the Android Studio SDK manager.

You then need to make sure you have debug mode turned on in the developer setting of your device.

Connect your phone, you should receive a popup asking you to confirm the device RSA fingerprint.

You can then run adb devices in command prompt to confirm your device is connected.

If this is all correct, you can run cordova run android in command prompt to deploy the app to your device.

To debug the live app, open chrome and enter chrome://inspect/ in the address bar.

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wow , Great . thanks