Dom7 animate function doesnt work on device

Hi guy, great job with framework7. I am facing issue with my code which work on browser but not on device. Animation doesnt fire. This my code. Thanks for you help

				{ 'opacity': 0},
					duration: 1500,
					easing: 'swing',
					begin: function (elements) {},
					complete: function (elements) 
							{'margin-top': '1.5625rem',},
								duration: 500,easing: 'swing',
								complete: function (elements) 
											duration: 500,easing: 'swing',
											complete: function (elements) 
														'margin-left' : -$$('.form-container.form-connexion').outerWidth()/2,
														'margin-top' : -($$('.form-container.form-connexion').outerHeight()/2+86),
														duration: 500,easing: 'swing',
														complete: function (elements)
															$$('.form-container.form-connexion').animate({'opacity':1},{duration: 500,easing: 'swing'});
									$$('.toolbar-connexion').animate({'opacity':1},{duration: 500,easing: 'swing'});
					progress: function (elements, complete, remaining, start) {}

I guess you use the version of framework7.min. Change it to the full version and it will works.