Error: module not found

Hello Community, I am taking a project in vue with framework7, I am using cordova to build the release, it is the first time that I work with this technology and I do not find much of the problem that is happening to me.

You will see, first of all, I found the application with a version “^4.5.1” of framework7, I have updated it to the latest version “^8.3.1”, run npm install it updated the dependencies, I also updated my main.js.

import Framework7 from 'framework7';

And precisely on that line is where I get an error when running cordova run browser – --live-reload, which is the following:

ERROR in ./src/main.js
Module not found: Error: Can't resolve 'framework7' in 'E:\repo\laragon\www\futugapp\src'

I hope you can give me a hand