Expandable cards

Thank you for the wonderful framework.
When I try to get the full screen of expandable cards, in the device, its not full screen. I made the kitchen sink as app, the same expandable card in the of kitchen sinkwebversion, it is shown as full screen. what should be done to have the expandable card as full screen in the app?

thank you

kitchensink - web version

kitchensink - Cordova app

It is probably native device statusbar, you need to hide it manually (if you really need so) with cordova statusbar plugin on card open/close https://github.com/apache/cordova-plugin-statusbar

thank you.

in iOS, cordova-plugin-ionic-webview and cordova-plugin-statusbar are having problem. so
statusbar.hide, statusbar.show are not working.

thank you for your help.