Extra Rows in links-list List View

I am trying to create a list in the left navigation bar. But, I am getting 3 extra rows on top. However, if I do include <div class="block"> <p>This is a left side panel. You can close it by clicking outsite or on this link: <a href="#" class="panel-close">close me</a>. You can put here anything, even another isolated view like in <a href="#" data-panel="right" class="panel-open">Right Panel</a></p> </div> <div class="block-title">Main View Navigation</div>
Then, it doesn’t show those 3 rows, but, I don’t want to show any heading. And, if I use ‘simple-list’ instead of ‘links-list’, then it gives extra padding to the first row. Meaning, it shows the first item title on the right side and all others on the left side

<a href="#" class="panel-open">
              <i class="f7-icons" style="color: white;">bars</i>
              <span class="if-not-md if-not-ios">Menu</span>
              <div class="panel panel-left panel-cover panel-resizable panel-init">
                <div class="list links-list">
                      <a href="pages/accordion.html/" class="panel-close">Accordion</a>
                      <a href="pages/action-sheet.html/" class="panel-close">Action Sheet</a>
                      <a href="/badge/" class="panel-close">Badge</a>
                      <a href="/buttons/" class="panel-close">Buttons</a>

It’s rare. Try to use to code from the kitchen sync, and see it’s still happen the same error.

And copy the code generated with the extra rows, to see if there something that can help to solve the problem.

The code from kitchen sync contains the header and I don’t want to do that. However, I for now, I have solved it by using ‘accordion-list’ and tweaking it.

I have the same issue. Could you please share the code? I want to see how accordian-list can be applied to fix it.

                <div class="block">
                  <div class="list accordion-list">
                        <a href="/viewall/?page=1" class="panel-close item-link"><div class="item-inner">
                          <div class="item-title">Login</div>
                          <a href="/viewall/?page=2" class="panel-close item-link"><div class="item-inner">
                            <div class="item-title">View All</div>
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