[f7-cli]{v5.0.1}, [vite]{v2.4.4} minify html


is there any way to minify the <template> part of a component ?

i can minify the ‘index.html’ with this plugin:

import { minifyHtml, injectHtml } from 'vite-plugin-html';
export default {
  plugins: [

but it doesn’t efect the component files (page.f7)

thank you

Not possible at the moment, we had minifier in Webpack loader, but it produced a lot of errors with template literals in HTML, e.g. foo=${someVar}. I can recommend you to move to JSX Router Component | Framework7 Documentation, it is more powerful than templates, and in the end it actually compiles to pure JavaScript which can be greatly minified and compressed

thank you

i tried the jsx
it dosen’t compile to pure js the => $h`
i can understand why (the $h`` behavior)

anyawy, jsx should work faster at run time(??)
so i’ll stick with the jsx syntax

here is an example:

export default (props, { $h }) => {
  return () => (
    <div class="page">
        {true && $h`

compile to =>

  component: (e,{$h:t}) => () =>

You shouldn’t use $h in JSX:

export default (props, { $h }) => {
  return () => (
    <div class="page">
      {true && (

now i get it
thank you

the syntax is a little bit wired,
especially for variable in string.
but i’ll get used to it

export default () => {
  const cssClass = 'my-class';
  return () => (
    <div class="page">
      {true && (
        <div class={`block ${cssClass}`}>

Yeah, you will get used to it, at least whole React community using it for years without complaining much. And as it is basically just a JS it has a lot of extra features, for example creating reusable parts in place like this:

export default () => {
  const header = (
    <div class="header">
      {/* ... */}

  const footer = (
    <div class="footer">
      {/* ... */}

  const ListItem = ({ title }) => (

  return () => (
    <div class="page">
      {[1,2,3].map((number) => (
        <ListItem title={`Item ${number}`} />

i will definitely go with jsx
thank you

one last thing:
with respect to a normal component file (page.f7.html),
is there any positive/negative impact at run time?
[ i’m asking about the actual render (not file size) ]