F7 Dialogs with icons or images and f7 dialog customHTML

Hello, I need to show some Error and Success it would be nice to add to them a green tick or a red cross is success or error. How could i do that?
And I need some way to put custom HTML on the dialog, i’ve tried with PopUps but they show as full screen on mobile and i need them to be like floating dialogs.

Thank you in advice.

You can use any HTML in the dialog’s text and title parameters

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In V5 I use this. In content you can put any HTML tag or an icon from fontawesome or whatever.

   content: 'Código <div class="chip chip-outline color-blue"><div class="chip-label"><h3 style="color: #004D71">Título</h3></div></div><br />Otra línea.',...
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Gracias Fernando, por ahora lo estoy haciendo como dice nolimits4web.

Igual tomaré el consejo para hacer pruebas

Es mejor seguir los concejos de @nolimits4web ya que es el creador/genio de todo este framework.


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