[F7Vue] Pass a prop to target using f7-link?

Is there a way to pass a prop to a popup, when it is opened using a <f7-link>?
Adding a prop to a link, obviously passes the prop to the link, not the target…

These don’t work:

      :route-props="{foo: 'bar'}"
      :props="{foo: 'bar'}"

Any way?

It is not possible in that way. Props can be passed and modified only by its parent component. So if this link in same component as popup then on click you can trigger parent component data change which can lead to popup props change.

But it could be easier and it will work with route-props if you will use routable popup instead.

You can check routable modals demo in Vue kitchen sink

I just decided against routable modals :grinning: … it’s not a big deal, I was just curious, if it’s possible

thanks for the quick reply!