Floating action button speed dial error v2 Vue.js

Whenever I try this example:

  <!-- FAB must be direct child of a page -->
  <f7-fab color="pink" @click="doSomething">
  <!-- First icon is visible when Speed Dial actions are closed -->
  <f7-icon f7="add"></f7-icon>
  <!-- Second icon is visible when Speed Dial actions are opened -->
  <f7-icon f7="close"></f7-icon>

<!-- Speed Dial Buttons -->
  <f7-fab-button color="orange" @click="onButtonClick">A</f7-fab-button>
  <f7-fab-button color="green" @click="onButtonClick">B</f7-fab-button>
  <f7-fab-button color="blue" @click="onButtonClick">C</f7-fab-button>

I keep getting the error : Error in render: “TypeError: Cannot read property ‘indexOf’ of undefined”.

What am I doing wrong?

Yes, issue in component, fixed in dev version. At the moment you can use HTML layout for FAB http://framework7.io/docs/floating-action-button.html