Framework7 Calendar Last Day issue

I When range calendar has last day in current month with min date parameter set. After scroll move to next month then calendar don’t go back to previous/current month.
Like Today is 31-05-2018 and it is available for selection on first time calendar open. But when move to June month then calendar cannot scroll back to May.

this is my code.

       calendarRange = botapp.calendar.create({
                inputEl: "#hdnDepDatesBus",
                containerEl: '#divDepDatesBus',
                dateFormat: 'yyyy-mm-dd',
                minDate: yd,
                rangePicker: true,
                direction: 'vertical',
                value: [arrdDateBus],
                renderToolbar: function () {
                    return '<div class="toolbar calendar-custom-toolbar no-shadow divCalanderMonth"><div class="toolbar-inner"><div class="left"></div><div class="center"></div><div class="right"></div></div></div>';
                on: {
                    init: function (c) {
                        jq('.calendar-custom-toolbar .center').text(monthNames[c.currentMonth] + ' ' + c.currentYear);
                    monthYearChangeStart: function (c) {
                        jq('.calendar-custom-toolbar .center').text(monthNames[c.currentMonth] + ' ' + c.currentYear);
                    change: function (c) {
                        jq('.calendar-custom-toolbar .center').text(monthNames[c.value[0].getMonth()] + ' ' + c.value[0].getFullYear());
                        if (c.value.length == 1) {
                            if (c.value[0].getMonth() > c.currentMonth) {
                            } else if (c.value[0].getMonth() < c.currentMonth) {

Can you format your code and help us better understand your problem ?

just put the code inside

your code

hi i have updated. Can you check this

sorry please use this 3 times ` and no empty spaces between them




I tried to run your code but all I can see now there is even no arrows for forth and back above the calendar.

In order fully diagnoze the problem, you should provide yd and arrdDateBus parameters, and jq function,

Also show me how you used these in your html template


It is a known issue, should be fixed in next update or so

I found hot fix for this, as currently my min date is set to (today -1 day) so today can be selectable, Now i make (today-2) as min date then i disabled last one using dom, then it is available to scroll back, when it will be fixed in next update then will use that, but needed urgent solution so i found that.

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