Framework7-core (webpack.config.js) - How to add another html page and its JS file properly

Hi Guys,

Hope you are all fine. I’m using F7-core and I’m having trouble adding a new html (vouchers.f7.html) and JS (vouchers.js) file.

I’ve already added the new html file in my routes.js as follows

    name: 'vouchers',
    path: '/vouchers/',
    url: '../pages/vouchers.f7.html',
    component: '../pages/vouchers.f7.html'

However, I’m still redirecting to Not found page upon clicking the link.
In addition, I’ve seen a tutorial on this forum that you need to add the js file on webpack.config.js. I’ve created my config like this

entry: {
    app: [ 
      './src/js/vouchers.js' <<----- this is the JS file

This was a success (The alert(“test”) triggers upon loading the page. However, I wasn’t able to run this code on the voucher js file

app.on('pageInit', function (page) {
    if ( === "vouchers") {
        console.log("voucher js loaded");
        alert("voucher js loaded");

The code above was returning an error the the app is not a function. This isn’t happening on my app.js. Could you kindly guide me on this? I’m quite new on using f7.

You shouldn’t add it in web pack config. Look how other pages are done in project you created with CLI.

It is in your routes

import Vouchers from 'path/to/vouchers.f7.html';
// route
    name: 'vouchers',
    path: '/vouchers/',
    component: Vouchers,
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Thanks nolimits4web! You’re a life saver! I was able to set my route successfully.

Could you guide me on this one? I have a js file named “voucher.js” which contains the following code.

alert("JS LOAD TEST");
app.on('pageInit', function (page) {
    if ( === "vouchers") {
        alert("Voucher page loaded!");

The question is how do I import it? I tried adding

import VoucherJS from './vouchers.js';

on my app.js file. This triggers the alert(“JS LOAD TEST”); However, I’m getting a following error on the next line of code

Uncaught TypeError: app.on is not a function
at eval (vouchers.js:2)
at Object…/src/js/vouchers.js (app.js:4803)
at webpack_require (app.js:790)
at fn (app.js:101)
at eval (app.js:13)
at Module…/src/js/app.js (app.js:4756)
at webpack_require (app.js:790)
at fn (app.js:101)
at eval (webpack:///multi_(:8080/webpack)-dev-server/client?:3:18)
at Object.1 (app.js:4934)

It seems that it doesn’t recognize my f7 initialization on my app.js. Could you share an insight here? Thank you.