Framework7 for website


I want to build a website that will look like a mobile app for an adult video sharing platform (i cannot create a hybrid app, because there is no way to install the app from android store or apple store…). More than 70% of visitors on adult video websites come from mobile phones…

I like how framework7 css part looks, however i’m curious if this is recommended (or its better to use css frameworks like bootstrap) and if it will scale for millions of visitors.

Thank you!

Как это нет способа поставить android? Там же apk напрямую ставится. Framework7 мощная штука, нехватку в функционале вы вряд ли ощутите, скорость тоже на высота. Ну а нагрузка никакого отношения к фронту не имеет.

I can create a hybrid app, and users can install it, however it will never be allowed in the android play store or apple store…so my goal is to create a website that looks almost like an app so its easier for mobile users to use it.