Framework7 generate-assets give error

Whenever I try to run generate-assets I get the following error:

Error: Input file is missing.

What file is the cli talking about?

How do I fix the error?


create a new project with framework-cli and copy the package.json from that new project to the other project and voila

If someone (like me :slight_smile:) get’s the same error, it happens if you’ve moved your Framework7 project folder to another location. Only thing I had to do, was to correct the cwd setting inside framework7.json to the new project location.

@nolimits4web I don’t know if the cwd setting from framework7.json is used in other scripts, but it might be a plausible fix to lookup the “current” folder dynamically from the generate-assets script?


I adhere to @Tim 's question.

Could I get the value of the current folder when generating the assets without using cwd?

Thanks, now it works! :grin:

Change cmd value in framework7.json to “.”