Framework7 React - Navbar - bgColor not working!

<Navbar title="My Page" bgColor="red" />
  title="My Page"

None works!

It only worked when I put the following css

.navbar[class*="bg-color-"] {
  --f7-navbar-bg-color: var(--f7-theme-color-bg-color);

Is the non-application of the style a bug?


  title="My Page"
  className="color-theme-red text-color-red"

colorTheme, bgColor, color => does not exists

In fact, the documentation doesn’t exist.

However, when looking at the library’s typography they are there and in fact they are inserting the “bg-color-red” and “text-color-red” classes in the navbar’s html (".navbar") as shown in the image below:

Even inserting the class the style is not applied. :confused:

Except when I apply this in the global style:

.navbar[class*="bg-color-"] {
  --f7-navbar-bg-color: var(--f7-theme-color-bg-color);

As I mentioned previously, it works!

Is it a framework7 bug?

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i see, my mistake (framework7/navbar.jsx at master · framework7io/framework7 · GitHub)

to change navbar-bg:

<Navbar title="My Page" backLink="Back">
  <div class="navbar-bg bg-color-red"></div>
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At Vue, the same problem is solved by this example

    <f7-navbar title="Page" back-link="Back">
      <template #before-inner>
        <div class="navbar-bg bg-color-primary" />

Yes, this option is also working!