Framework7 React sample template

Please does any one here have the Framework7 React template I can use as a starter. I can’t seem to comprehend the installation section of the documentation.

Please it is quite urgent.

did you try f7-cli?

Framework7 CLI is an extremely powerful tool and the most recommended way to start Framework7 app development.

It allows to create project using different variants to choose:

  • Framework: Framework7 Core, Framework7-Vue, Framework7-React, Framework7-Svelte
  • Target platform: Web app, PWA or Cordova app
  • Starter template: Single View, Tabs, Split View
  • Custom color theme
  • Generate required icons and splash screen
  • Many more

its pretty simple to use, give it a try.

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I tried framework7 cli yesterday but I was having issues. Although I have been able to fix it today and it working Thank you.

But I have one issue. How do you link image in a framework7-react project. I tried link image from the assets-src folder to one of my components but it isn’t working expect when I use an external link image it works.

Please guide me through.

Same as in any React + Webpack project, you should import/require images first in your JS

Thank you. I did import the image and it is working now.