Framework7 : state vs data

I want to clarify the difference between state and data in framework7.

Let’s say I am building a mobile app that calls API and render response data received from server.

	<!-- template -->
	{{#each customers}}
		<!-- render each customer -->

	return {
		methods: {
			getData: {
				const self = this;
				app.request.get('').then((res) => {
					self.$setState({customers: res.customers});
		on: {
			pageBeforeIn: function() {

Should I put list of customers returned from server to data instead of state?

	<!-- template -->
	{{#each customers}}
		<!-- render each customer -->

	return {
		data: function() {
			return {
				customers: []
		methods: {
			getData: {
				const self = this;
				app.request.get('').then((res) => {
					self.customers = res.customers;
		on: {
			pageBeforeIn: function() {

If I do so then when the list changed (for example, the user scrolls the page and the page calls API to load more data) how can I update the view to reflect the change?
Does $update() worked the same way as when I put the list of cutomers in state?