Framework7 svelte and initializing the keypad plugin - not working

In Framework7 core I initialize the keypad like this:

   var myCalculator = app.keypad.create({
    inputEl: '#myCalc',
    containerEl: '#calc-container',
    toolbar: false,
    dotButton: true,
    type: 'calculator'

I’m not sure how to initialize it with Framework7 svelte.
I import it like so: import Framework7Keypad from 'framework7-plugin-keypad';

Not finding any info about use in the svelte version. Any help would be appreciated!

Still hoping for help on this.

No luck with:

 import Framework7Keypad from 'framework7-plugin-keypad';

  var myCalculator = f7.keypad.create({
    inputEl: '#myCalc',
    containerEl: '#calc-container',
    toolbar: false,
    dotButton: true,
    type: 'calculator'