Framework7 + Vue Routing


I am using Framework7 + Vue. But I can’t figure out how to config the router parameters.
Everything works fine in development, but the main view is not loaded after deploy.
I would like the put the website in a subdirectory, e.g.
But it doesn’t work, the main view is empty.

  <f7-app v-bind="appparams">

        path: "",
        component: Startscreen,
        options: {
            transition: 'f7-parallax',

    }, {
        path: "/",
        component: Startscreen,
        options: {
            transition: 'f7-parallax',

I am using framework7 6.0.1 and Framework7-vue 6.0.1.
Thank you very much.

Try setting browserHistoryRoot to /subdirectory/ (without domain name)

Yes, it works.
Thank you very much