Function when clicking on an alert

Good afternoon, I have an alert that appears when a button is clicked, this button calls a function, but this function is executed when the alert appears. I need this function to run only after the user clicks ok.

$$('#envia1').on('click', function () {
var sel = $("input[name='pergunta01']:checked").val();
if (sel == null) {

    app.dialog.alert('Você deve selecionar uma das respostas!', 'Resposta Invalida');
else if (sel == 'a') {      

    app.dialog.alert('Clique em OK para continuar!', 'Resposta Correta', nextQuestion());
else {
    app.dialog.alert('A alternativa correta era a opção A!', 'Resposta Errada', nextQuestion());
app.dialog.alert('Clique em OK para continuar!', 'Resposta Correta', function () {
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Thank you, this worked.