[FWK7-Core v5.7.13] Bug updating input value using $update

The $update() fails when put numbers in the input (manually or programmatically), throwing the following error:
Uncaught DOMException: Failed to execute ‘setAttribute’ on ‘Element’: ‘1’ is not a valid attribute name.

This is the input:

<input type=“search” id=“search-place” class=“no-fastclick” autocomplete=“off” placeholder=“Search” @input=“onChangeInputSearch” value="{{textSearched}}">

And the “onChangeInputSearch” method:

onChangeInputSearch (e) {
let self = this;
self.textSearched = e.target.value;

Also, if inside data() declare “textSearched” with “Asde 1234” for exmple, the app crash when hot reloading. It works correctly if I declare it with “Asde”

I’am using [email protected] + [email protected] + Webpack.

Этот вопрос многократно полнился, нужно писать так: value=“{{escape textSearched}}”