Get JSON content and save into variable

I have some JSON’s as language files. I would like to get the JSON content and associate with a variable. I try:

function getLangJson(lang){
	if(lang == 'pt-BR'){
		var jsonFile = 'pt-BR.json';
	else if(lang == 'en-US'){
		var jsonFile = 'en-US.json'
	  .then(function (res) {
		  var json =;
    return json;
thejson = getLangJson('pt-BR');

But I just receive a json is not defined message. How can I get the JSON and save inside a variable to use at whole code?


I think you need to define var json like this

function getLangJson(lang){
	var json;

	if(lang == 'pt-BR'){
		var jsonFile = 'pt-BR.json';
	else if(lang == 'en-US'){
		var jsonFile = 'en-US.json'
	  .then(function (res) {
		  json =;
    return json;
thejson = getLangJson('pt-BR');

Not works… I receive ‘undefined’… I tried:

function get_lang_file(lang){
	var jsonContent;
	app.request.json('lang/'+lang+'.json', function(json){
		jsonContent = json;
	return jsonContent;
var json = get_lang_file('pt-BR');

And I receive ‘undefied’ too =/

app.request works in async way and returns promise, you need to use async syntax

The follow code it’s working and now the JSON file content is inside a variable

function get_lang_file(lang){
	var json;
		url: 'lang/'+lang+'.json',
		method: "POST",
		cache: false,
		async: false,
		//contentType: "application/x-www-form-urlencoded",
		dataType: "json",
		processData: true,			
		success:function (data, status, xhr){
			json = data;
		error: function (xhr, status, message){
	return json;

var langFileContent = get_lang_file(localStorage.language);

Thanks :slight_smile:

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