Get props in async route

Hi. I am trying to migrate my app from v5 to v6 and I’ve got some problem with routing.

In v5 I use async this way:

	path: "...",
	async(routeTo, routeFrom, resolve){
		const componentProps = routeTo.context; //return props
		return resolve({ component: MyPage }, { props: { ...componentProps } });

So I was able to extract props from routeTo.

But in v6 there is no routeTo.context.

	path: "...",
	async({to, from, resolve}){
		const componentProps = to.context; //return undefined
		return resolve({ component: MyPage }, { props: { ...componentProps } });

How can I get props in async in v6? Or there should be another way to do it?

I able to get props by access params property


I think to.params only hold information about route link (for /#!/planet/11111/city/2222 to.params will be {planet: 11111, city: 2222}).
But I am using navigation to component with sending props to it like this:

toPlanet(planetInfo: any) {
        this.navigate(`/planet/`, {
            props: {
                planetSize: planetInfo.size,
                planetType: planetInfo.type

And I cant undestand how I can get those props in async route (in v5 it was in context but in v6 it is removed)

I am sorry I forgot to mention, that I am using Framework7 with React.
My question is about this documentation - Navigation Router | Framework7 React Documentation and combining it with async (Navigation Router | Framework7 React Documentation)

you can’t
here is what you can do => gallant-yalow-hxldqk - CodeSandbox

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I did kinda the same thing as you show in sandbox and it works.
Thank you very much! It helped me a lot with my project.