How make a list of loop since php or js?thanks

i mean repeat this part with a foreach:

  •         <!-- Divider -->
            <li class="item-divider">Divider title here</li>
            <!-- Another list items -->
            <li class="item-content">...</li>
            <li class="item-content">...</li>


    • ...
    • ...
            <!-- Divider -->
            <li class="item-divider">Divider title here</li>
            <!-- Another list items -->
            <li class="item-content">...</li>
            <li class="item-content">...</li>
      <!-- <div class="block block-strong">
        <p>Here is your blank Framework7 app. Let's see what we have heressd.</p>

    import $$ from ‘dom7’;
    import Framework7 from ‘framework7/framework7.esm.bundle.js’;

    // Import F7 Styles
    import ‘framework7/css/framework7.bundle.css’;

    // Import Icons and App Custom Styles
    import ‘…/css/icons.css’;
    import ‘…/css/app.css’;

    // Import Routes
    import routes from ‘./routes.js’;

    // Import main app component
    import App from ‘…/app.f7.html’;

    var app = new Framework7({
    root: ‘#app’, // App root element
    component: App, // App main component

    name: ‘marcelin’, // App name
    theme: ‘auto’, // Automatic theme detection

    // App routes
    routes: routes,

    Are you sure you post the right vide? I see dancing ponies

    Edit. Now its the right video :grinning:

    Edet2; @CMGCenter again the ponies? Or its just me?


    Bro dancing ponny video was delete… My litle baby take My phone. Sorry for that

    i see the ponies dancing again. plz check your link

    Is a playlist. HAVE 3 videos, 1 of then is dancing ponnys. Rest of all is about f7

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